Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

When it comes to our health, sometimes we get into a vicious cycle of what came first, the chicken or the egg. Are you depressed because you are sleep deprived, or are you sleep deprived because you are depressed? Or, as a new study examined, do you have diabetes due to sleep apnea, or sleep apnea due to diabetes? It can be hard to tell.The study was published in PubMed Central and it claims that by depriving the body of sleep (that is, sleeping less than the recommended seven to nine hours each night), you raise your risk of diabetes. In fact, one doctor interviewed said upwards of 80 percent of his patients with diabetes also have sleep issues including sleep apnea and insomnia.So, how and why does this happen?  Well, according to researchers, when you deprive the body of sleep, you create metabolic changes in the body. These metabolic changes make your glucose levels skyrocket, thus increasing your risk of developing diabetes in the process.  Other reasons can include being obese and having a ‘fatty tongue’ or wide neck circumference which makes breathing difficult while in the reclined position.Then there’s the chicken or the egg problem. Do you have sleep apnea because you already have diabetes and are overweight, or did you develop diabetes as a result of having sleep apnea?  While it can be difficult to tell either way, the important fact remains that in order to get in control of one condition you must take control of both.This means that to keep your diabetes under control, you not only need to monitor your glucose levels and take any prescribed medications, you will also need to take charge of your sleep apnea if applicable. This means using your sleep apnea device as prescribed by your doctor or Dr. Peterson.While Dr. Peterson knows that many patients are dissatisfied with their CPAP therapy and machine, he is happy to offer a practical, comfortable solution to CPAP that you may not have heard about. This comes in the form of a mandibular device that fits comfortably into the mouth and props the airway open naturally, so that you are able to breathe easily while you sleep.By addressing both your diabetes and sleep apnea, you will feel better and hopefully improve symptoms of both conditions. To learn more about sleep devices from Dr. Peterson, please contact the office today.

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