Advanced Dentistry & Aesthetics

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry allows patients to overcome their anxiety and fear about going to the dentist. By enabling the patient to relax and feel at ease, this helps to eliminate the barriers he or she has erected to keep them from having necessary regular dental care.

What are the different types of Sedation?

There are several types of anesthesia, ranging from light sedation to general anesthesia. It is common practice to have patients pass from one level of anesthesia to the next through the course of treatment. The following explains the different types of anesthesia offered by our team:

Patients’ anxieties are relieved, but they are conscious and able to verbally and physically respond throughout the procedure.

Patients are still conscious and able to respond to verbal commands but are generally less alert.  Most importantly, they won’t remember much, if any, of their dental treatment.

Patients are in a drug-induced state of unconsciousness, allowing the doctors to work freely. Patients are able to wake quickly following general anesthesia, with no memory of the procedure, and are able to go home following a short recovery period.

What is used for Light and Moderate Sedation?

Moderate to Deep Sedation

If you’ve opted for moderate or deep sedation with an IV, we have nurse anesthetists and anesthesiologist who handles this sedation. They are all hospital trained and we insist on the highest level of safety protocols. This is delivered intravenously, and its effects are instantaneous.

If you receive oral sedation or IV sedation, you can’t drive yourself home from our Park City office. With nitrous oxide, you’re fine to drive, which is one advantage to using this sedation option.

How Long Do The Effects Of Dental Sedation Last?

The effects of oral sedation last from two to four hours after your appointment. IV sedation varies with different patients. Some patients have almost no after-effects just minutes afterward; others can feel effects for a few hours after their appointment. The effects of nitrous oxide stop as soon as the mask is removed from your nose.

There are several types of anesthesia, ranging from light sedation to general anesthesia. It is common practice to have patients pass from one level of anesthesia to the next through the course of treatment.