Advanced Dentistry & Aesthetics
Laser Aesthetics
Modern laser treatments offer patients quantifiable results in reversing signs of aging. Laser energy can resurface facial skin and be used in both ablative and non-ablative methods depending on the needs and goals of the patient. Ablative laser touch aesthetics treatments work by wounding the thin outer layer of skin and heating the underlying skin. By doing this, ablative lasers stimulate the production of collagen creating a smoother and tighter appearance.
At Advanced Dentistry & Aesthetics we provide non-ablative treatments or those that do not aim to damage the skin in order to treat it. Dr. Peterson uses the Fotona Lightwalker Laser. In using these treatments as opposed to more aggressive chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion, we provide patients with an alternative option that provides high-quality results without damaging the skin to do so.
Additionally, through the use of more noninvasive treatments, Advanced Dentistry & Aesthetics can simply add aesthetic treatments to standard dental checkups. This saves patients both time and hassle and only requires one appointment. Our offices provide patients with an opportunity to leave with a brilliant, healthy smile and healthy, younger-looking skin.
Lightwalker Laser Energy
Lightwalker laser energy provides nonablative treatment to the skin surface through a process known as neocollagenesis. This happens when the laser delivers energy through the epidermis into the dermis. When the light energy penetrates the outer layer of skin it converts to heat energy in the dermis. Receptors register the heat and trigger a response akin to when the receptors respond to trauma even though there is no actual wound or skin damage. This response remodels the existing collagen at the treatment site and initiates the production of collagen.
Collagen is crucial in the skin rejuvenation process because it provides the underlying structural framework for our skin, resulting in skin that is both firm and tight. As we age our body produces less and less collagen over time. By about the age of 50, the skin produces roughly 30 percent less collagen. Because of this, as we age we notice differences in the appearance of our skin. For example, people may notice skin beginning to sag, droop, become thinner, and the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Laser Touch Aesthetics?
Everyone is a good candidate for these treatments, particularly those with sun-damaged skin. Combine sun damage with declining collagen production and the results are noticeable signs of aging, such as sunken cheeks, jowls, sagging skin, and thinning lips. Our nonablative Lightwalker laser treatments help you take back a semblance of your youth and don’t require recovery.
What Laser Treatments Does Advanced Dentistry & Aesthetics Offer?
At Advanced Dentistry & Aesthetics, we utilize the Fotona Lightwalker laser. Its variety of wavelengths and subsequent treatment options make the Fotona Lightwalker laser the safest most effective laser there is for skin rejuvenation.
Dr. Peterson provides the following treatments using the Lightwalker laser:
In this application, the Lightwalker laser targets areas around the mouth and chin. Laser energy is delivered beneath the skin surface and creates instant skin tightening and new collagen production.
Nightlase™ a Fotona’s non-invasive laser treatment used to improve sleep, specifically targeting sleep apnea and snoring. Dr. Peterson directs the Lightwalker laser onto the tissues at the back of the mouth. During sleep, these tissues sag and vibrate resulting in snoring. They may even block the airway and cause Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The Lightwalker er:YAG laser penetrates the outer tissues without ablation. By heating the underlying tissues, Nightlase™ remodels and contracts collagen. As a result, patients see an immediate 50 percent reduction in snoring and improved sleep.
Dermal fillers provide an obvious change in lip volume. As an alternative to these kinds of results, Dr. Peterson provides Lightwalker laser treatment. This laser treatment increases collagen production fills out the lips and smoothes the appearance of vertical lip lines.
Laser energy is directed onto undereye bags, puffiness, and dark circles to contract collagen and keep the area firm.